Wednesday, July 20, 2016

Summertime Guacamole

All BBQs require guacamole. And cheese. Oh and maybe, French onion dip. Actually that's pretty much what I serve as appetizers for all occasions- solely because I love them all. Guacamole is a dip that is so easy but I feel like people are more apt to buy it ready made. Why people?! It's so simple and much better homemade. Trust me! 
This guac combines the three major summer staples-tomatoes, basil and corn. It's a really simple way to change up the standard guac- and the crunch from the corn is oh so good! Try this at your next BBQ! 

Summertime Guacamole

1 1/2 tbs basil, minced 
1 tbs jalapeño, deseeded (more if you like it spicy 
1 tbs sour cream 

2 ripe avocados, removed from skin, deseeded and roughly chopped (about 3-4 cups) 
1 small ripe tomato, finely minced (about 1/2 cup) 
1/2 small yellow onion, finely minced (about 1/3 cup) 
1 corn on the cob, cooked and cut off the cob (about 3/4 cup) 
Juice of 1 lime (about 1 1/2 tbs) 
1/2 tsp of garlic, minced 

1 1/2 tsp salt 
Lil' fresh cracked pepper 
1/2 tsp hot sauce (optional) 

Medium mixing bowl
Spoon or fork 
Measuring cups/spoons
Cutting board 
Chopping knife 

In the medium bowl I add corn, onions, garlic, tomatoes, basil, sour cream, jalapeño and hot sauce if you're using it. Mix it all up. I like to add my avocado, lime juice and salt n pepper last because I like my guacamole more on the chunky side than the purée side. Once you add the avocados, lime juice and seasonings you can use your fork or spoon to mash it up to your desired consistency. 
Serve it with salty tortilla chips and a delicious cerveza or cocktail on the side and you've got the perfect summertime appetizer! Enjoy! Xo


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