Wednesday, July 16, 2014

Healthy dessert?!

I'm a big fan of guilt-free (less guilty for some) desserts.
Ok really I'm a fan of any and all desserts but I feel better about eating the healthier ones. I made these super easy chocolate covered bananas with the kids a couple days ago and they've been begging me to eat them ever since. And it only takes 10 minutes to make before hitting the freezer. Gotta love it! 

Frozen Choco-nanas

6 bananas, peeled and cut in half

1 (12 oz) package of dark chocolate chips
3 teaspoons of coconut oil 
1/4 teaspoon of salt 

Tray that can go in the freezer (and fit)
Wax or parchment paper 
Popsicle sticks or larger toothpicks/skewers
Small casserole dish for melting chocolate 

Cover the tray with wax or parchment paper. 

Add the chocolate chips, salt and coconut oil to the small casserole dish. Microwave in 30 second increments, stirring in between, until it's fully melted. 

Push the Popsicle stick into the cut side of the banana half. And roll the banana into the melted chocolate. I use a spoon to help cover the whole banana. Once it's covered I allow it to drip for a few seconds before placing on the tray. 

I (the kids) continue with the rest of the banana halves. Once done place the entire tray into the freezer and freeze for at least 2 hours. Once frozen- pack them into a freeze lock baggie and enjoy a guilt-free dessert!! Pura vida! Xo

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